Resolution Two: Bible studies must increase. Faith and testimonies only come by the Rhema word. The word for you. So go ahead and get an easy to read bible this week if you do not have one already. Your victory and wisdom are in the scriptures
Resolution three; Rebuild your altar of prayers. Ensure that as a family this year you let nothing stop your time of praying together. Families that pray together stay together. Wives never let an argument come up when it’s time to pray with your husband. It’s a ploy of the enemy to hinder your advancement as a family. For where there is strife, there is every evil work
Resolution 4: Never travel without asking the Lord about it. That way you will not fall into the trap of those who conjure people’s spirit into the trap of untimely death. No emergency travelling. Soak your spirit soul and body deep in the blood of Jesus before any journey
Resolution five. Do your possible best to stay at peace with all men. When you fall into the trap of unforgiveness and malice, they will block your testimonies and this year you must enjoy your testimonies and celebrations. notice all in (plurals)
Resolution six. Pray more in tongues in your privacy. That way you cover all areas as the Holy Spirit helps you to pray the mind of God. Beloved it works. Of course also pray in your understanding
Resolution 7: Look after your self. Eat right. Your health is important. You may ignore health tips when under thirty and maybe get away with it but please over thirties a word is enough for the wise. Check your calorie and fat content of whatever you eat. I beg you in the name of Jesus. It’s not for slimming it’s just so we can live longero we can live longer. Wisdom is better than weapons of war
Resolution 8. Watch what you say this year. No matter what you see or feel or hear. Speak only the positive. You are a product of your words. The children of Israel said let this sin be upon us and our children. We can see the result of those words today
The Children of Israel murmured and wanted to go back to Egypt. See how they made a journey of a few days turn to a journey of forty years. Please speak with wisdom this year
Resolution nine: Watch what you wear. Begin to dress for where you are going not where you are. Rebrand yourself in the area of dressing. God looks at the inward but man looks at the outward. People will often relate to you with what they see. Single ladies. Dress the part everyday. No never really know when Mr Right will cross your part
Resolution ten. Laugh hard this year. Laughter is very good medicine. Let no one steal your joy for it is the joy of the Lord that is your strength. Fill the atmosphere around you with laughter and if anyone want to pollute your atmosphere of joy with frowns, quarrels, cantankerous spirit. Overcome them with your laughter, your praise, your shouts of halleluyah
Resolution 11. Try again. Forget the failures of yesterday. Yesterday is gone. John Maxwell says failure is not a person. It is an event. It happened . The en times and rise up seven times. halleluyah!!!!!!!!!!!. Try again. get up sweetheart and try againbusiness failed but failure is not a person. It’s the business that failed. It is an event not a person. You have not failed. The righteous have ability to fall seven times and to rise up seven times. Halleluyah!!!!!!!. Try again. Get up Sweet heart and try gainen times and rise up seven times. halleluyah!!!!!!!!!!!. Try again. get up sweetheart and try again
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