As I watched the news I began to ask a few questions.
How do we respond to miraculous events like this. Many respond in diverse ways:
Doubt : Did this really happen?
Faith: If this happened to them. then greater things can happen to me
Surprise : What a miracle?
Critticism: Well how about all those who have died?
Reservation: Lets watch and see if they will stay alive
In awe and joy: Glory to God
Gratitude to God Almighty: This must be the handiwork of God.
We can see above, the many possible ways we can respond to a miracle.
I have made up my mind to respond in faith and gratitude to every thing God does. God is great and the things impossible with man are possible with God.
Get ready there is a miracle on your way. When it comes do not doubt or respond negatively but respond to the miracle in faith.
Psalm 126
1-3 It seemed like a dream, too good to be true, when God returned Zion's exiles.
We laughed, we sang,
we couldn't believe our good fortune.
We were the talk of the nations—
"God was wonderful to them!"
God was wonderful to us;
we are one happy people.
4-6 And now, God, do it again—
bring rains to our drought-stricken lives
So those who planted their crops in despair
will shout hurrahs at the harvest,
So those who went off with heavy hearts
will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.
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